Prasad Projects

Bluetooth Control Car

Bluetooth Control Car

We are now living in the 21st century. Now, smart phone has become the most essential thing in our daily life. Android application based smart phones are becoming each time more powerful and equipped with several accessories that are useful for Robots. This project describes how to control a robot car using mobile through Bluetooth communication, some features about Bluetooth technology, components of the mobile and robot.

Arduino UNO Embedded C Motor Drivers Bluetooth module IoT

Intruder Alert System

Intruder Alert System

If an Intruder or unauthorized persons enter into our zone the PIR Sensor detects the person activity then the security system capture the image of the unauthorized person and also give real time alert e-mail to the authorized person.

Raspberry Pi Python Open CV IoT

Affine Hotels

Affine Hotels

This project aims at creating hotel room locking system for the guests who wish to have a secure stay. Access control is the basis for automation of hotels and apartments in the current time. An efficient method of generating a unique encrypted password for each guest ensures tight security and reduces risk of robbery.

It is implemented as a computer-based system which involves locking and unlocking of the hotel room door through a room-key security swiping machine. Access to the room is granted only if the guest swipes his key and enters the password which was generated uniquely to him/her. Generation of this particular password is done for first time when he books the hotel room. It involves the concepts of affine cipher encryption. And when it comes to this type of encryption system we can assure the customers with higher level of security, because hacking of the mathematical function used in generating the password is very tedious and time consuming.

HTML5 CSS3 Bootstrap JavaScript jQuery Cryptography

My Pendulum Lab

My Pendulum Lab

In this project, I will be implementing the project as a web application which will help the user to understand the concept of the Direction Field of a Simple Pendulum. The concept used is, when a user clicks in the area of direction vectors, based on that, the speed of the pendulum bob is visualized. The conclusion of this animation is, the more is the direction vectors, the more is the speed of the bob. This is implemented using p5.js, Vectors, simple Geometry, and basic 3D and 2D Transformations. A complete website with this conceptual animation will be developed.

HTML5 Bootstrap JavaScript p5.js Computer Graphics

Virtual Writing Board

Virtual Writing Board

This is a simple writing board created using concepts of keyframes, mouse events in computer graphics ( p5.js - a JavaScript library for drawing functionality ).

Click & Drag to Draw with the help of mouse. If it is a touch screen, draw slowly with your fingers or stylus pen. Hit key 'r' on keyboard to Replay your sketch and to Continue drawing. Hit key 'e' on keyboard to Erase / reset everything.

HTML5 JavaScript p5.js Computer Graphics



This project is a part of Technological Business Hackathon 2020 organized by AIESEC Amaravati. The theme of this project includes Sustainable Development Goal 2: Zero Hunger. It works as a full-stack dynamic website as an organization with the name HackAgainstHunger.

The main objectives of the proposed application include a reduction in wastage of food, eradicate hunger, educate people, and making food available to orphanages, old-age homes, and other such organizations, which will also inculcate values of sharing and sensitivity among people.

HTML5 CSS3 Bootstrap JavaScript php MySQL

Multiple Client Chatting Application

Multiple Client Chatting Application

This is a simple UDP based Chatting App built in java. It uses User Datagram Protocol (UDP) to send messages between clients in the chat area. Multiple users can chat with each other when connected on same host/IP.

Java JavaFX Computer Networks Network Programming

Automatic Birthday wishing Bot

Automatic Birthday wishing Bot

This is a simple PHP Bot that wishes people on their birthdays through an email. It also has an option to add birthdays into the database and then view them. This PHP Bot uses Simple Mail Transmission Protocol (SMTP) to send mail. Validation and sanitization checks on the data are performed to ensure in sending secure mail.

HTML5 CSS3 Bootstrap JavaScript php MySQL



vLIST is a simple PHP based note-taking application for free-form information gathering and service included as part of the free, web-based application which helps user to Create, Read, Update and Delete the information. Validation and sanitization checks on the input fields are performed to ensure in saving the safe content.

HTML5 Bootstrap jQuery php CRUD MySQL

To-Do App

To-Do App

To-Do App - The ultimate Task Builder is a simple JavaFX application built using NetBeans IDE with Database Connectivity (JDBC) which helps user to maintain his tasks list. It helps to easily organize and prioritize your tasks and projects so you’ll always know exactly what to work on next.


Data Visualization Dashboards

Data Visualization Dashboards

Dashboards are a data visualization tool that allow all users to understand the analytics that matter to their business, department or project. A dashboard is a business intelligence tool used to display data visualizations in a way that is immediately understood. Data visualization is the graphical representation of information and data. By using visual elements like charts, graphs, and maps, data visualization tools provide an accessible way to see and understand trends, outliers, and patterns in data.

Bootstrap Google Sheets Infogram Business Analytics

Shift Cipher

Shift Cipher Machine

This Simple Caesar Cipher Engine is probably one of the most basic ciphers, although it was the basis of the Cipher Encryption. The entered text will be encrypted based on shift factor (key value). Method in which each letter in the plain text is replaced by a letter some fixed number of positions down the alphabet. The method is named after Julius Caesar, who used it in his private correspondence.

HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript Cryptography

Programming Language Engine

Programming Language Engine

This tool will help you to choose the best programming language that suits you, If you are struck in your life or starting as a beginner, this web tool is perfect for you. Programming has become a vital element in every CSE Student's Life.

HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript

Text to Speech Converter

Text to Speech Converter

The tool converts any entered text into speech and device starts to read the text that you have entered. It supports only English Language.

HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript API



It's a simple Responsive Website.

HTML5 CSS3 Bootstrap

ToDo List

ToDo List

ToDo List is a utility web app which helps user to maintain his tasks list. It helps to easily organize and prioritize your tasks and projects so you’ll always know exactly what to work on next.

HTML5 ReactJS JavaScript CSS3



HungryMeals is a Food ordering app. This project just has only a clean frontend (like a Flipkart Clone).

HTML5 CSS3 Unsplash API

IPL Data analysis

IPL Data Analysis

IPL Dataset is taken from Kaggle and basic data analytics, visualization is perfomred inorder to classify, represent, understand the data better.

Python Numpy Pandas Plotly Seaborn Jupyter Notebok

Bank Web dApp

Bank Web dApp

This is a Blockchain based Banking Web dApp that helps to perform transactions between users irrespective of central authority.

Solidity HTML5 Javascript jQuery Blockchain



This is a GPA/CGPA calculator that lets a student from VIT-AP to compute the GPA and CGPA. A Simple tool but powerful; used by over 8k students.

HTML5 CSS3 Materialize Javascript

Rock Scissors Paper

Rock Scissors Paper

Rock Scissors Paper is a zero sum game that is usually played by two people using their hands and no tools. The idea is to make shapes with an outstretched hand where each shape will have a certain degree of power and will lead to an outcome.People find it quite hard to pick a sequence of perfectly random choices, so any pattern that a player develops could be learned by the opponent and used to win the game.As you play, the players learn the pattern of objects that you are most likely to pick.

HTML5 CSS3 Javascript


BillBook - A Web based Billing Software

The aim of this project is to make Billing management much easier for Business Enterprises. In this project, we have developed a “ Web-based Billing Software ” which is an application to automate the process of billing and managing a departmental store.

HTML Bootstrap Ajax PHP MySQL


Android Weather App

The main goal of this project is to develop an android application for checking weather conditions like weather description, weather forecast, temperature of a specific location through android mobile. Having up to date information about the weather helps us to make well-read decisions. These weather apps constantly update the forecasts for a day or hour or sometimes for even a minute. The furtherance of Weather Forecasting is Weather App Development.

Java XML Android Studio Weather API


reCALL - A Secured Self Manager

reCALL is a Secured Self Manager, note-taking, and Password Manager for free-form information collection and support delivered as part of the free, web-based application that allows users to Create, Read, Update, and Delete data. It will implement numerous basic functions simultaneously.

AWS EC2 RDS Route 53 Cloud Computing


GiftStore - Surprise Everyone

Implemented Team Software Process, Product Verification & Validation Strategies. Worked as Team Leader & Compiled numerous Scripts & Forms like - Launch, Strategy, Plan, Requirements, Design, Implementation, Testing along with various team meetings (Week Script), Project Definition Document, Checklist Document, Project Charter, SRS, Validation Master Plan, Gantt Charts, Timelines, etc..

TSP SWE PDV Web Development

Prasad Projects

Prasad Projects

A Personal Project Hub to provide open source projects for beginners, the best source for downloading free projects with source code on various Computer Science domains.Started in 2020, developed by Gudi Varaprasad; Prasad Projects is now in its beginnings and currently working more on improving the services.

Other Projects

Other Projects

Few more exceptional beginners support and guidance on various Mathematics and Computer Science domains like Programming, Web Development, Mobile App Development, Data Scinece, Machine Learning, AI, IoT, CyberSecurity, Blockchain, etc..